Santa Is Coming Back To Killen (2022)

Santa is Coming (Back) To Killen!

Sunday 18 December 2022
16:00 to 18:30

Dear Residents of Killen,

Last year, I (Santa) visited the good boys and girls in your community (which was all of them!) - and I'm happy to let you know that you've all been such good boys and girls, that I will be returning once again this year!

I've worked with my little helper Elves, and we'll be coming around your area on Sunday, 18th December, from 16:00 to 18:30. I will visit all the streets of Killen, so keep an eye out for when I reach your street during this time!

Keep an eye on the Killen Community Residents Group Facebook and Website for all the latest information in the Killen Community. I look forward to seeing you then!


Ho Ho Ho!


- Santa


Note to parents of good boys and girls: Killen Community events such as this are funded almost solely on donations, so any donations you can give are appreciated! Regardless of a donation or not, however, all children will receive a gift from Santa!

Also, please park your cars in your driveways/off the street where possible, as Santa's magic horse needs turning room!

Contact Santa