During 2023, Killen Community Residents Group petitioned and fundraised for a defibrillator for the area, to ensure this life-saving equipment was available to our community should the need ever arise.

Without the support of the groups below, we may never have reached our fundraising goal, so we would like to take the time to thank everyone on this page:

The Cormac Trust donated £800 to help us get this defibrillator and save lives locally. The Cormac Trust was set up after the sudden death of Cormac McAnallen in the morning of 2nd March 2004, and has been raising awareness of sudden cardiac deaths, as well as helping fund equipment such as ours.

Mid Ulster District Council donated £1,050 towards the defibrillator as part of a community grant.

Clonoe Parish allowed us to fundraise outside their premises multiple weekends, raising further money towards the defibrillator.


Numerous Local Businesses donated to our 2023 Summer Raffle, all of which have been named and thanked HERE.

Local Residents and even people outside the community kindly donated, whether direct donations or via raffle prize purchases.