Killen/Killeen Community Residents Group are looking for volunteers to help improve our local area.

Time commitments are generally minimal and no particular skills or expertise required!

By joining our group (a registered charity) you will be able to have your input in the things that matter most to you in our local area.

Some examples of what we discuss at our meetings:

- Area improvements
- Area hazards
- Local concerns brought to us by residents
- Events (Christmas, Summer, Easter, etc.)

We would love more people to join our group to bring their thoughts to the table, including how we can have more inclusive events for older members of the community, how we can tackle local issues, etc. We ideally would love to have at least one resident from each development. The more the better.

Not only will you be able to help your local area, but this is also counted as volunteer charity work, which looks great on a CV/UCAS Application etc.!

Please reach out to us on Facebook, or email if you're interested! Thank you!